Monday, June 21, 2010

Mason Avery Grier Bergeon

On June 18 at 10:48 am Mason Avery Grier Bergeon was welcomed into the world. Mason was born 7 pounds 4 ounces and 19 inches. Mom and baby are home now resting. We are taking good care of them and have uploaded a few pics from Mom's phone for now until we can make a proper blog post this stay tuned, lots more pics and stories to come. We just met Mason but are already crazy about him.

If you want to receive Mason's photo of the day send us your email address.

Posted by ShoZu

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Posted by ShoZu

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Posted by ShoZu

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Arch Nemesis - by Hercules

We have been going on neighborhood walks since I was a little puppy.  And for the past two summers, I have developed an unlikely arch nemesis.  He stalks me on our walks, runs around just in front of me, teases me relentlessly, and is always one step ahead.  Who is this evil one I am referring to?  A little gray bird who has decided that he needs to spend his days teasing me relentlessly.

Last night and this morning he was really teasing me.  We are always walking along nicely when all of a sudden he flies over us and lands across the street, chirping up a storm and talking trash about me.  He will run along side us and stay just out of my reach.  He always seems to know which path we are going to take and flys/runs ahead of us.  It is almost like he knows that Mom and Dad won't let me just go and chase him, although I don't know what I would do if they did.  He did the same thing this morning, just chirping and running along side of me, calling me names and just being an all around pain in the butt.  I act like I am going to charge at him, I tug on my leash and bark back.  All the other birds run away, but not this guy.  He just keeps teasing and teasing.

Sometimes he even has a few goons (bird friends) that he sends to tease me.  He has never been able to fool me though, I know exactly what he looks like and who his goons are.  I bark at them a bit, but they are a lot easier to ignore than this guy.  I mean really, why kind of bird can convince other birds to follow and tease a dog?  You may think I am exaggerating, but this has been going on long enough for it to no longer be a coincidence, just ask Mom and Dad.  We have never seen a bird that smart and devious.  And I just wonder why he choose me to pick on, probably because he is sure to get a reaction out of me.

Week 2 Home with Mom and Dad

This week was another great one with Mom and Dad.  We found out that our baby brother is coming on Friday!  Mom and Dad are super excited because it is just before Dad starts his ILT class.  Tuesday and Wednesday Dad worked on finishing the tile in the guest bathroom.  We can't go in there yet, and the toilet is still in the bathtub, but it is all done and just has to dry. 
Wednesday Dad also was able to put rear pads and rotors on the T-bird, and he even got all four wheels on it.  We got to play outside with our Cool Dogz Ice Treat and Frisbee with Mom.  We ran around the yard like maniacs, the weather was so nice and we had a great time.  Then I got in trouble for trying to get into all of the neighbors garages and I had to go inside for a bit.  Hercules got to lick on the ice chunk for awhile, but then he had to go inside and it was my turn!  It is the best summer treat ever.  We got to go outside again today, and since it was so hot, we played in the hose (another one our our summer favorites).
Tomorrow Mom and Dad will go check into the hotel, and our babysitters will come up.  We will try to be good, and hopefully we will get lots of treats.  We were just glad that we had these two awesome weeks at home with Mom and Dad, and that we got so much stuff done around the house!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We are having the baby on Friday!

Yesterday Mom had another doctor's appointment and ultrasound.  The doctor wanted to check the baby's growth and also to see if mom had made any progress as far as dilating and effacement.  The ultrasound was pretty basic.  They got to see the baby's outline and little hands.  He is growing well, a bit on the small side, and has plenty of fluid around him.  The tech said that he weighs approximately 6 pounds and 8 ounces.  Then she tried to get a good picture of him, but once again he kept turning his head away.  Dad showed us the pic and we all came to the conclusion that this one is like one of those Magic Eye pictures, and we just don't see it. 

Luckily for us we don't have to wait long before we get to see our baby brother.  The doctor came in and did an exam.  He said mom is only dilated a little bit but she is very effaced.  They want to induce on Friday morning, so Mom and Dad have to be up and at the hospital at 7:30 am.  He also said that if the baby decides to come before then, it is great news.  So we get to go on walks every day up until Friday.  It will be a long day for us, but we are so excited about meeting our baby brother.  Our grandparents (Ms. Pattie and "G") are going to come up when the baby is born, and they are going to stay with us and keep us company, so we know we will have a good weekend, and then the new baby will be here!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Two Weeks of Vacation with Mom and Dad

These next few weeks are going to be great for us.  Mom is home for good now, and Dad has the next two weeks off before his class starts.  We have been going on lots of walks, getting little projects done around the house, and Dad has even been able to work on his car.  Mom and Dad have been doing stuff to make sure they are ready for the new baby all week.  First they had the interview with the pediatrician and the tour of the hospital maternity suites on Monday.

Dad has been spending a lot of time out in the garage doing some much needed work on the T-Bird, we are not sure what his obsession with that car is, we can't even go for car rides in it!  He has been working on the brakes, shocks, painting and was even able to put some of the wheels back on.  Check out these awesome silver rear suspension and breaks (before Dad put the wheel on).

Now he has the front wheels off and has been working on the front shocks, springs and brakes.  Oh and he finished painting the spoiler, and it is semi attached, but he lost a screw so we have to go out and try to find a replacement (it got lost in the trunk).  Between taking us for walks, working on the T-bird, baby stuff, and the Tigers having THREE! games on TV Dad has been really keeping busy on his vacation.  It has been a little rough listening to the White Sox announcers, but it seems to be better than watching it on his phone.

Wednesday Mom went to the doctor, yet again.  The baby is doing great, he is head down and really low.  We are hoping he makes his appearance early next week.  Mom is still healthy, her blood pressure is great, she has gained 24.5 pounds total.  She goes back next week for an ultrasound and appointment. The doctor thinks she could go into labor at any time, and we are all hoping that Baby B isn't stubborn and over stay his welcome in Mom's belly.  We are excited to get one more ultrasound pic of our little bro, so be sure to check back next week to see it!

After Mom's appointment they came back and we got to take a car ride of our own.  Hercules had to go to the vet, he has really bad allergies this season and has been scratching like it's nobody's business.  So we had to go and get him checked out and get some ointment for his eyes.  It was an awesome day to go because there were so many other dogs there for us to greet, even two baby puppies.  Hercules was being kind of a drama queen about going back into the room alone, it took Mom and the vet tech a good 5-10 minutes and a handful of treats to get him back there (he thought he was getting his nails trimmed again, which he hates).  I don't know why he has to be such a big baby about it, he always ends up getting a lot of attention, and this was no exception.  While he was getting checked out, I was in the waiting room with Dad greeting all the dogs, getting compliments and I even made a few friends.

Thursday was another day of Dad listening to the Tigers and just hanging around the house.  Then Mom and Dad went to get their car seats inspected, which was the last item on the baby check list.  Now we are officially just waiting for Baby B to arrive.

In the mean time, Dad started yet another home project this weekend.  He decided to start ripping up the linoleum in the 2nd bathroom and getting everything prepped for laying tile (next week's project).  It took him a whole day to get the linoleum and glue pulled up.  We kept getting into trouble for trying to walk on the glue, and it made our feet sticky.  Oh and Dad even had to pull the toilet out (it is currently sitting in the shower) so naturally we are curious as to what is going on in there.  Today he put the cement board down and tomorrow the tiling begins.

All in all it has been a great week, and the two + walks daily has really left us calm sweet boys.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Nursery is Finished

This week while Dad has been working on the T-Bird, we have been helping Mom put the finishing touches on the nursery, and it is finally finished!  We hung the shelf, animals and decals last week with Ms. Pattie.  This week we helped Mom hang the ABC's, fix up our bed, finish putting everything away and taking pictures.  We even put batteries in the baby swing.  Mom and Dad wanted us to get used to the swing before they put the baby in it (notice the stuffed animals to simulate our little bro), but we could really care less as long as we can lay on our bed and look out the window.

As you can see, Bumper has spared no time before getting comfortable in bed.  
For more pics, check out or Baby Site: Nursery Pics.  

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We love house guests!

Last week was a great week for us.  Besides it being Mom's first week staying home with us and Dad taking two vacation days, we had two visitors and it was the best week EVER!

 First our grandma (Ms. Pattie) came up and stayed the week with us, we even let her sleep in our bed.  While she was here they planted flowers outside, went to the movies (Sex and the City 2), had lunch and dinner at Mom's two favorite places (Pizza Hut and Villa Verone), and took us for a couple of walks.  They also did some of the final decorating for the baby's room (pics to come later this week).  We helped of course, we put up some of the wall decorations.  We got a ton of extra attention.  We also showed Ms. Pattie how to put on cloth diapers.  Then Friday she had to go back home and of course we were sad, tired, but sad.
 Mom and Dad stayed up late on Friday night, and we had no idea why until around 1 am when Phil, Dad's best friend from high school, showed up to spend the weekend!  We were so excited to have another visitor!  We stayed up with Dad and Phil for a little bit but then went to bed with Mom.  Saturday they all went to breakfast and we went snooping into Phil's stuff to see if he brought us anything...he didn't.  Then Dad and Phil hung out and played video games and so we spent the day with them, all the boys in Dad's man cave.  Mom, Dad and Phil went to see Prince of Persia and out to eat, but came back to spend time with us that night.  It was another late night for Dad and Phil, but we went to bed with Mom.  Phil left Sunday afternoon, and we were sad again.  But then we got to go on an extra long walk.  We spent the rest of the night catching up on sleep after our busy week.