We have been away for quite some time, and I have recently been thinking about my blog and how I have completely abandoned my efforts. Then I pulled up my last post...Mason at 9 months old and found myself staring at my precious little boy, so cute, so little and not yet mobile! And then it was clear the reason for my absence. Shortly after this blog Mason graduated to full tilt crawler, and just before his first birthday he started walking. Somewhere in these past few months I have found myself the mother of a walking, running, getting into everything toddler and have been on the go ever since.
Now it is almost Christmas again and Mason loves all of the decorations. Well, he loves pulling them off the tree that is. The entire bottom half of my tree is bare except for lights. But he also just likes to look at everything and often just wants me to pick him up so he can look at all the decorations. And now as I type this Mason is waking up for his nap, so off I go to chase around my little tornado.