Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We are having the baby on Friday!

Yesterday Mom had another doctor's appointment and ultrasound.  The doctor wanted to check the baby's growth and also to see if mom had made any progress as far as dilating and effacement.  The ultrasound was pretty basic.  They got to see the baby's outline and little hands.  He is growing well, a bit on the small side, and has plenty of fluid around him.  The tech said that he weighs approximately 6 pounds and 8 ounces.  Then she tried to get a good picture of him, but once again he kept turning his head away.  Dad showed us the pic and we all came to the conclusion that this one is like one of those Magic Eye pictures, and we just don't see it. 

Luckily for us we don't have to wait long before we get to see our baby brother.  The doctor came in and did an exam.  He said mom is only dilated a little bit but she is very effaced.  They want to induce on Friday morning, so Mom and Dad have to be up and at the hospital at 7:30 am.  He also said that if the baby decides to come before then, it is great news.  So we get to go on walks every day up until Friday.  It will be a long day for us, but we are so excited about meeting our baby brother.  Our grandparents (Ms. Pattie and "G") are going to come up when the baby is born, and they are going to stay with us and keep us company, so we know we will have a good weekend, and then the new baby will be here!

1 comment:

amanda said...

This is so exciting! I'm so happy for you guys! I'll be thinking of you on Friday & hoping all goes well :)