Monday, October 4, 2010

Mason a.k.a Mr. Personality

Our computer is on the fritz, so we are trying something new, blogging via email using Mom's phone. Let's hope this works. Mom's iPhone keypad is not paw friendly but we wil do our best.

Our little bro has been hamming it up and really smiling up a storm for some time now. He will give the biggest smiles and on plenty of occasions pretend to be shy by smiling and trying to hide his little face. He has also really turned into quite the chatterbox.  We started sitting at the table more with Mason and he just chatters away (we are still confused about language he is speaking, it doesn't seem to be dog or human).  The other day we got a big surprise during a diaper change. Normally Mason thinks getting his diaper changed is a pretty cool event, but this time it must have been down right halarious because all of a sudden he was laughing out loud!  Of course by the time Dad tried to record it he decided he was done. But we have been getting  more and more laughter ever since. Diaper changes are the funniest but eating dinner at the table is a close second.

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