Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Bowl of Cereal

Bumper and I have been waiting for the day when Mason begins eating food.  We knew it would start slowly but we were still really excited.  It was just our luck that one night in October our wish came true and Mason got his first bowl of baby cereal.  Bumper sat patiently in the kitchen near Mason's high chair and just waited and hoped, but those of you who know me would say "Hercules is definitely not the type to just sit and wait" So of course, I had my nose right there in the action.


As you can see, I could not keep my nose out of Mason's face. Lucky for me he didn't mind.  And now we sit patiently (well sort of) by Mason each night as he gets his cereal with the hopes that we will get to lick the bowl.  Dad is a big sucker so he usually gives in and lets us.  Soon we will be eating all sorts of Mason food, but for now we are happy with rice cereal.

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