Wednesday, February 2, 2011

28 Days Day 1: The First Snow

Ok ok, we are a little slow on the challenge. But give us a break, this blog was almost ready we just needed to publish!

This winter has included a lot of firsts for our little brother. Back in early December we got our first bit snowfall, and everyone bundled up to go outside and play, Mason included. He put on his hat, mittens and snow boots and played in the snow for the first time. He LOVED it! We did not really know what he would think, Mom figured he would be cold and want to go inside, but he loved just sitting in the snow and watching it fall around him. He even tried grabbing a snowball and bringing it inside!

Of course none of us lasted long in the snow. We ate our fill of snow and ice then we all came in to warm up by the fire.

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