Over the past few months we have really been making an effort to eat healthier, and include more vegetarian and vegan meals. Having a 7 month old who is jumping head first into solid foods is a great motivation and with childhood obesity rates being what they are in this country, Mason will not fall into that category come hell or high water.
There is one thing that I noticed in our path to vegetarianism is that American food is sorely underrepresented. All other ethnicities have numerous wonderful vegetarian and vegan recipes. It really got me thinking. Other cultures embrace vegetarian food as a part of their cuisine, many still eat meat, and eat it regularly, but they embrace the healthy fruits, vegetables, grains, and so on that make up a meatless diet. A bit hunk of meat, potato and dinner roll are necessary to make a meal complete.
That being said, if it is one thing that Americans have down, it is junk food. Just check out a state fair and you will find just about anything fried on a stick. My newest discovery is actually the Texas Cheese Fries from Chilli's. They were artery clogging, cholesterol raising, finger licking good. They arrived at our table and they almost seemed to put us into some store of drug (or fat) induces stupor. This is not a treat I recommend having often but I do recommend trying it. If you do, then share with a friend, arteries will thank you.
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